I just wanted to do a quick post about our tattoos that we got recently. I got Hailey's actual footprints made into a butterfly and my husband got a replica of an HLHS heart.
Here is the one I got
And here is the one Josh got
We sure miss our little girl! But it feels great to have a part of her with us with our tattoos.
I don't have a whole lot of time to do an actual update. That will have to come later. But for now, I will leave you with some pictures of our little Leyna! By the way, she started walking on new years and has been on the go ever since!
One Year photo!
Just being cute!
Soo close!!
Playing at the park
And here is her 15 month photo!
I will update as soon as I have some free time. I need to include her monthly photos from Oct-now! Also update you on what's been happening. That is, if anyone even reads my blog anymore after being gone for so long!!!!
I still read!! ;) I can't believe how big Leyna is getting so fast! and I love the tattoos! :)