

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

5 Months

Just wanted to do a quick little 5 month post. Leyna is getting really good at grabbing everything in sight! She is also sitting up really well, almost with no support at all. Of course we still have to be really careful and watch her since she likes to lean back suddenly! We're currently in the process of moving to a new house, so this shall be fun. Packing and moving with a 5 month old!! Luckily my Mom is coming out from North Carolina to help entertain Leyna for us while we pack. Then it's off for another adventure, July 16th we are off to Wisconsin for a week. So if you have any tips for flying with a soon to be 6 month old, please let me know! I am going to need them!

Leyna in her beautiful dress a friend of mine brought back from Hawaii

Pretty Girl!
Our hippie baby!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

4 Months Old

I know I am a little late with her 4 month update, but she keeps me so busy!! I am loving every moment with her. Leyna has really started "talking" and laughing a lot now. I LOVE it! At her 4 month appointment she was up to 15 pounds 11 ounces and 24 inches long. She's in the 90% for weight and 50% for height. She is just growing so fast!
Tomorrow is going to be a very bittersweet day for us. Tomorrow Hailey has been gone for 18 months and Leyna will be the exact same age as Hailey when she passed away. I don't know what it's like having a child longer than 4 1/2 months, and now I will get to find out. It's amazing how many emotions can come back when you think of these milestones. It hurts so bad but there is also so much joy now that we have Leyna in our lives. She brings a lot of happiness to us. I wish I could just spill all my emotions on here about what it's like having a rainbow baby, but I have never been very good at letting it all out. Maybe one day when I can figure out how to explain it a little better. All I can say is that it's so worth it if you're reading this and thinking about having a rainbow baby yourself.
I also wanted to let anyone who stumbles across my blog from a search index know that there are so many HLHS survivors out there. Don't give up on your baby if you just got a diagnosis of HLHS. I am posting this because the little monitor on the right hand side telling me who has visited my page also tells me how someone found my blog and what they typed in the search index. I see a lot of searches for statistics and what not. I recomend you check out Sisters by Heart. Also check out the video I posted last month. There is so much hope for your little one!

Ok, now for the fun part. PICTURES!

4 Months Old

Leyna with her Mia Marrone Heart Charm

Happy on one of our many walks we take!

If you would like to purchase a Mia Marrone heart charm, Click Here!