Does anyone know why my "followers" don't show up? I've tried deleting the box and re-posting it, but nothing seems to work. I have no idea who is following my blog! Anyone know how to get it to work again?
Other than that, things here are good. No morning sickness just yet, but I didn't get that until week 6 with Hailey. Yesterday marked week 5!! This is the week that the heart will be dividing into chambers, so we are praying for 4 fully developed chambers this time! As I posted before, yes we told everyone about this pregnancy very early so that we can get as many prayers as possible. I know most people don't post this early because of the risk of miscarriage, but we want everyone along with us during this new journey. We are still very excited and will keep everyone posted as things progress. I have a feeling that morning sickness will be kicking in soon, as I am getting more and more pregnancy symptoms.
Our first perinatology appt is on June 11th and we will be getting our first ultrasound at that time. We are going to the perinatologist (high risk Dr.) because all subsequent pregnancy's from here on out will be considered high risk for the possibility of a CHD. Even though our chances are not very high. We will be posting our first ultrasound picture either that Friday or the following Saturday. We can't wait to see this new little baby!
I would like to do weekly posts by stealing the idea of another blog mom I follow. I thought it was such a cute idea! I hope you don't mind, mom2lo!
Week and day: 5 weeks and 1 day
Belly Button in or out: Still in. :)
Wedding rings on or off: Still on of course!
Food cravings: None
Food aversions: None
Nausea: None! I'm sure it's coming though!
Energy level: Starting to get tired during the day
Weight gain: None
Mood: Excited! Nervous as well!
Maternity clothes: I'm sure I have a month or so before those are needed!
Size of baby: About 0.05 in (1.25mm) long!
Baby's changes: The plate that will later become his/her heart has developed. The central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), and muscle and bone formation are beginning to take shape. The heart will begin to beat at the end of the week.
Belly Button in or out: Still in. :)
Wedding rings on or off: Still on of course!
Food cravings: None
Food aversions: None
Nausea: None! I'm sure it's coming though!
Energy level: Starting to get tired during the day
Weight gain: None
Mood: Excited! Nervous as well!
Maternity clothes: I'm sure I have a month or so before those are needed!
Size of baby: About 0.05 in (1.25mm) long!
Baby's changes: The plate that will later become his/her heart has developed. The central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), and muscle and bone formation are beginning to take shape. The heart will begin to beat at the end of the week.
Next appointment: June 11th at 10:30am
What I've been up to: Just working and praying for a healthy baby!