

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Just a quick update

Sorry for not posting earlier but I had to work today, and yesterday my husband and I had the day off together which was very nice!

So we had our first Dr. Appt yesterday but we don't have any pictures to share. We aren't far enough along for them to be able to see the little peanut on the ultrasound. They were able to see the amniotic sac and said that it looks healthy and it's up nice and high. So far, so good!

Our new Dr. is very nice! I have a male Dr. this time so I was hoping for a friendly one so I wouldn't seem too uncomfortable. I had Kaiser insurance (now have Aetna!) during our pregnancy with Hailey so I wasn't able to keep the same Perinatologist. But this is the first doctor I have seen in a while that wasn't sitting at a computer typing away while asking me questions. He just wrote his notes down on a piece of paper and seemed very interested in everything we had to say and wasn't rushing us either. He sat and answered all our questions and was so friendly about everything! Yay!

We do however get to go back this coming Friday, the 18th. for another ultrasound in hopes that we are able to see the little peanut on the ultrasound. Wish us luck!

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